
Monday, June 07, 2004

"Schools Out For Summer" A. Cooper

School may be out but blogging and web surfing and googling and wikipedia never end. Wherever you go and whatever you maybe doing this summer you are all just an internet connection away from letting each other know what your doing, sharing the things you are learning about, asking each other questions and just plain saying HI.

This is the year you stepped up form being users of computers to become creators. From now on you will be able to look for things, figure our where in the world some of the answers are to your questions, create your own information and share it with each other and the rest of the world.

Seize the day folks, life goes by pretty quick and before you know it you will be teaching kids all about creating and publishing and finding the answer to their 101 questions. You are already on your way to being ready when that day comes.

It has been a privilege and a pleasure to have been able to spend some Friday mornings with you. I am proud to have watched you at work in the classroom. I look forward to watching your creations over the years.

This is not an ending though, its just another beginning. Start using this space and when you are ready you can create your own personal blogs and spread your wings there. I will be keeping my eyes open here for any questions you might have and to see what cool things you come up with.

This blog is now open 24/7...use it and enjoy it.

Yes, I see that your getting the hang of blogging, and that is a very cool thing. Keep posting things up here, but don't forget to add your name to the bottom of the blog entry so we all know who is writing.

Keep writing to each other, use this space to keep in touch and to show everyone what your up to.

Ill be around to help with any questions, hopefully in a short time you guys will be teaching me some new things.


Friday, April 30, 2004

How Toons

Howtoons is a website to learn how to build all manner of cool things, learn the whys and wherefores of how they work,and print out some cool comics explaining it all.
How the Internet Works

From some very basic rules millions of computers are able to link togther and become the Internet.
Here are some websites that explain in more detail what we went over today in class.

  • The way Things Work - The Internet
  • How the Internet works - (Jellybeans in the Park)
  • Boston Public Library's About The Internet
  • Friday, April 16, 2004

    Today we took time to edit the posts from March and then started work on a new round of posts. Some of them are still in the rough stages and we will work to finish them up next week.

    Friday, March 19, 2004

    One small post....

    Four posts to be exact, four posts from four groups of students who today took the step from being just net consumers to net creators. The four posts that follow are the first phase results, the second will be editing and the third will be layout and presentation. They were researched and crafted all during today's computer lab.

    Friday, March 12, 2004

    Some examples of the works we talked about in class...
  • 3500's BC -Hieroglyphs and other written langauges start being used.
  • 1454-The Guttenberg Bible is the first smash hit of the moveable type machine.
  • 1835-Samuel Morse creates a wired telegraph system and a code to communicate over it.
  • 1876-The Telephone comes into being.
  • 1860-The Pony Express takes a centries old communication method to new lengths.
  • 1901-Marconi uses Radio waves to transmit a message from England to North America
  • 1925- John Logie Baird transmits the first Television signal
  • 1940's- Research into Digital Computers produces working systems
  • 1969-The Internet is born
  • 1977-Home Computers start entering the home.
  • 1978-The first user run computer based message systems (BBS) are set up.
  • 2003- We Like the Moon takes just under a year to go form idea to being sung by people across the globe.
  • How did we get from grunts, to stone, to paper, to movable type, to the telegraph, to the telephone, to radio, to tv, to computers, to the internet? Glad you asked. Wikipedias Timeline Of Communication Technology shows a step by step history of how, who and when we have made the great leaps forward in communicating with each other.

    Friday, March 05, 2004

    FOSSWEB is a great place to visit for interactive learning fun.

    Edinformatics testing site is a place to take some tests and see what you know.

    Welcome to the blog of the Sunnyside Elem. Schools 4th and 5th grade Computer Class.

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